Board Certification in Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork is the highest voluntary credential a massage therapist can obtain within the profession—it is above and beyond entry level state licensure. By becoming Board Certified, I represent a community of therapists who have gone above standard educational and work experience requirements with a dedicated and lifelong commit to continuing education. Furthermore, I live up to higher standards and ethics in alignment with The National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB).
To achieve my Board Certification, I provided proof of a minimum of 750 hours of education, 250 hours of professional, hands-on work experience, passed a criminal background check, agreed to uphold NCBTMB's Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics, and passed the Board Certification Exam. By passing the BCETMB and meeting all requirements, I demonstrate advanced assessment and critical thinking skills, as well as a commitment to excellence. I wear the credentials BCTMB with pride for myself, my profession, and, most importantly, my clients.
Gina Armstrong is a Peter Hess Method practitioner and instructor based in Wisconsin, USA. She founded the awarding winning Balance on Buffalo in 2002, a wellness center in Manitowoc, Wisconsin; she hosts healing space through sound, massage, yoga and kirtan for all those whom enter. Gina weaves the Peter Hess Method into her practice as a massage therapist and as a teacher and mentor. She invokes the gentle power the Peter Hess method for creating balance and well being with her massage clients and sound students. Gina also teaches classes throughout the University of Wisconsin higher educational system. Gina's past studies include music therapy, massage therapy and business.